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Schools and Programs

School of Science and Technology

The School of Science and Technology aims at developing the logical, creative, and critical thinking skills of its students; improving and enhancing their scientific and technological skills; strengthening their aesthetic and cultural values; and thus, preparing them to become productive and world-class professionals. Ultimately, they will be empowered to contribute to the quality of life in the world.


Students gain an understanding of the scientific concepts, principles, and applications through instruction, research, and community involvement. They are trained in analytical thinking, problem-solving, and communication; empowered to make a difference in any work setting, such as laboratory, school, hospital, or corporation. They are oriented and exposed to global issues to prepare them to assume leadership roles in their chosen field.


The School of Science and Technology paves the way to students' careers as science specialists, researchers, counselors, academic, corporate, and medical workers, and IT practitioners.


The School of Science and Technology is committed to being a strong arm of the university in fostering excellence in the pursuit of knowledge while engendering personal integrity and social responsibility.



In line with CEU’s mission, the School of Science and Technology seeks for its clientele the following objectives:

  • To develop scientific and technical skills with world-class competency;
  • To be empowered with logical, critical, and creative thinking skills;
  • To appreciate, value, and live out man’s desirable potentialities, and
  • To become versatile and productive citizens in the global society.

Distinct Features

BS in Biology

  • ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN QA) Certified (2021-2026)
  • The FIRST Biology program with the HIGHEST LEVEL of accreditation, Level IV (re-accredited), by PACUCOA, as certified by FAAP
  • State-of-the-art science laboratories for instruction and research
  • Holistic curriculum that provides experiential learning through ecological tours, fieldwork, and research 
  • Strong local and international industry and research agency linkages


BS in Cosmetic Science

  • The FIRST to offer BS and MS Cosmetic Science in the Philippines
  • An intensive practicum training program
  • Mentored by seasoned faculty with industry experience
  • Strong local and international industry linkages


BS in Psychology

  • ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN QA) Certified (2018-2023)
  • The FIRST Psychology program with the HIGHEST LEVEL of accreditation, Level IV (re-accredited), by PACUCOA, as certified by FAAP
  • An intensive practicum training program


BS in Computer Engineering 

  • Awarded Level II Accreditation status by PACUCOA, as certified by FAAP
  • State-of-the-art science and computer laboratories for instruction and research
  • With local and international practicum training program
  • Enhanced CPE Program through Animation, Robotics, and Game Development courses
  • Highly competent  faculty members with industry experiences
  • Comprehensive preparation for international certification examinations like CISCO CERTIFIED NETWORK ASSOCIATE and JAVA SE CERTIFICATION
  • Curriculum Partners: AWS ACADEMY, CISCO, IBM, and ORACLE ACADEMY 

BS in Computer Science

  • Awarded Level II Accreditation status by PACUCOA, as certified by FAAP
  • State-of-the-art science and computer laboratories for instruction and research
  • With local and international practicum training program
  • Enhanced CPE Program through Animation, Robotics, and Game Development courses
  • Highly competent  faculty members with industry experiences
  • Preparation for Computer System Servicing and National Animation Certificates
  • Comprehensive preparation for international certification examinations like CISCO CERTIFIED NETWORK ASSOCIATE and CLOUD COMPUTING CERTIFICATION
  • Curriculum Partners: AWS ACADEMY, CISCO, IBM, and ORACLE ACADEMY 


BS in Information Technology

  • Awarded Level II Accreditation status by PACUCOA, as certified by FAAP
  • State-of-the-art science and computer laboratories for instruction and research
  • With local and international practicum training program
  • Enhanced IT Program through Robotics, and Game Development courses
  • Highly competent  faculty members with industry experiences
  • Preparation for Computer System Servicing and National Animation Certificates
  • Comprehensive preparation for international certification examinations like CISCO CERTIFIED NETWORK ASSOCIATE and CERTIFIED INFORMATION SYSTEM SECURITY PROFESSIONAL
  • Curriculum Partners: AWS ACADEMY, CISCO, IBM, and ORACLE ACADEMY 

Academic Programs

  • Bachelor of Science in Biology
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology with Specialization in Microbiology
  • Bachelor of Science in Cosmetic Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology




The graduates of Bachelor of Science in Biology should be able to:

  1. Apply biological concepts and techniques in research, academe, industry and medicine;
  2. Communicate clearly and concisely biological concepts, issues and solutions to the scientific community and to the public;
  3. Adopt critical thinking skills in evaluating relevant Biological, Environmental and Medical issues;
  4. Evaluate relevant scientific data and formulate effective judgment from it;
  5. Engage in scientific investigations, entrepreneurial activities, and environmental advocacy while demonstrating strong sense of ethical behavior;
  6. Work effectively with a multidisciplinary and multicultural team; and
  7. Perform basic mathematical, and statistical computations and use appropriate technologies in the analyses of Biological data.



  1. Research assistants
  2. Biological laboratory technicians in government agencies, museums, zoos, aquaria, and private organizations
  3. Researcher in the industry involving product development, management, or inspection, particularly in agriculture, biotechnology, food and nutrition, pharmaceutical, and other healthcare-related industries
  4. Teaching assistants in the college/university
  5. High School Biology teachers (those who are LET passers)
  6. Writer of science articles in newspaper, magazines, and books
  7. Assistants in the production of educational software or multimedia application and in the development of educational films and tv programs 
  8. Preservation and sales of biological specimens 
  9. Microbiologists in the hospital, food and beverage industry, and cosmetic industry




The graduates of Bachelor of Science in Cosmetic Science should be able to:

  1. Formulate cosmetic and toiletry products in accordance with recognized standards
  2. Implement good manufacturing practices to ensure the safety and efficacy of cosmetic and toiletry products;
  3. Apply entrepreneurial skills in the operations management of cosmetics and toiletries, from product development to product retail;
  4. Design scientific research and develop protocols on bioactive formulae, consumer preferences, efficacy, and safety for cosmetic and toiletry products.
  5. Communicate effectively and concisely the benefits and claims of the ingredients and formulated products;
  6. Work effectively and efficiently with multidisciplinary and multicultural teams; and
  7. Apply local, ASEAN, and international laws and regulations concerning the manufacture and marketing of cosmetic and toiletry products.



  1. Skin Care/Cosmetic Formulator in Manufacturing Firm
  2. Researcher in R & D 
  3. Quality Control/Quality Assurance Staff
  4. Sales Personnel
  5. Professor/Educator
  6. Toller




The graduates of Bachelor of Science in Psychology should be able to:

  1. Apply sound psychological theories, concepts and scientific methods in personal, interpersonal and professional practice.
  2. Utilize the methods of psychological inquiries in creating new knowledge on individual and multi-cultural settings and discipline.
  3. Practice the highest professional and ethical standards in the design of psychological research and services.
  4. Develop psychological tests and other assessment tools with adequate validity, reliability and utility.
  5. Conduct psychological assessment and evaluation and make accurate interpretation. 
  6. Communicate effectively to promote meaningful personal, interpersonal and professional relationships.
  7. Exhibit self-reflection and independent learning to advance education or profession.
  8. Engage actively in advocacy programs on mental health and wellness to contribute to the improvement of quality of life.




  1. Human Resource: as a psychometrician, personnel assistant staff training and development, labour relations staff and other human resource management-related occupations 
  2. Business: as customer relations, management trainee, marketing researcher, sales representative, advertising agent, public information officer, administrative assistant, and other management-related occupations 
  3. Research: as a research assistant for a psychologist at hospitals, universities and research institutions 
  4. Teaching: as a college professor in universities, pre-school teachers 
  5. Social Services: as community relation officer and mental health workers in non-government organization agencies which provide mental services to patients



The graduates of Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering should be able to:

  1. Apply  knowledge  of  mathematics and  science to solve complex engineering problems;
  2. Design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data;
  3. Design a system, component, or processes to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards;
  4. Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams;
  5. Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems;
  6. Internalize and demonstrate professionalism with high ethical standards;
  7. Communicate effectively;
  8. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a local and global, economic, environmental, and societal context;
  9. Recognize the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning to contemporary issues;
  10. Use techniques,  skills,  and  modern  engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments, and
  11. Apply skills necessary to design, configure, implement and maintain networks.


  1. Project Engineer/Manager 
  2. Network Systems Administrator/Manager 
  3. Data Communications Engineer 
  4. Systems Engineer/Developer/Manager 
  5. Systems Analyst/Designer 
  6. Technical Support Engineer/Manager 
  7. Quality Assurance Engineer/Manager 
  8. Test Engineer 
  9. Technopreneur 
  10. Educator 
  11. Researcher 



The graduates of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science should be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, knowledge of computing specialization, and mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing models from defined problems and requirements;
  2. Identify, analyze, formulate research literature, and solve complex computing problems and requirements reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines;
  3. Apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles and computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices;
  4. Used the knowledge gained in security issues and principles in relation to the design, development, and use of information systems;
  5. Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that met specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, society, and environmental considerations;
  6. Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations to accomplish common goals;
  7. Collaborate effectively as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings;
  8. Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and five and understand clear instructions;
  9. Apply legal, social, ethical, and professional issues involved in the utilization of computer technology and be guided by the adoption of appropriate professional, ethical, and legal practices;
  10. Adopt the necessary skills to practice independent learning for continual development as a computing professional;
  11. Design, configure, implement, and maintain networks, and
  12. Acquire skills necessary to lead in the development of technical requirements and solution in migrating organizational needs from in-house, to hybrid to cloud.


  1. Applications Developer
  2. Computer Science Instructor
  3. Database Programmer / Designer
  4. Information Security Engineer
  5. Quality Assurance Engineer
  6. Researcher
  7. Systems Developer
  8. Systems Analyst




The graduates of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology should be able to:

  1. Apply computational thinking in developing, implementing and evaluating applications and websites compliant to the industry standards.
  2. Create IT based solutions to meet the desired needs and requirements of end users using current techniques, skills, tools and practices.
  3. Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society the created IT project plan and other computing activities through logical writing, presentations and clear instructions.
  4. Design innovative approaches to computing technology that have a local and global impact on individuals, organizations, and society
  5. Practice Information Technology in adherence to the highest ethical and professional standards
  6. Engage in activities that promote independent learning and continuing professional development
  7. Apply security principles in the design of network infrastructure to defend computer systems against unauthorized access, modification and or destruction and for privacy and security of information.



  1. Applications Developer
  2. Database Administrator
  3. Entrepreneur in the IT Industry
  4. Information Security Administrator
  5. Information Technology Instructor
  6. Network Administrator
  7. Network Engineer
  8. Systems Analyst
  9. Technical Support Specialist
  10. Test Engineer
  11. Web Administrator / WebMaster
  12. Web Developer

Deans and Academic Heads

  • Dr. Julieta Z.  Dungca
    Dean, School of Science and Technology
    [email protected]

    3rd Flr. Dentistry-Science Building
    Centro Escolar University
    9 Mendiola St.,
    San Miguel, Manila
    (+63)2  8735-6861 to 71 loc. 212
    (+63)2  8736-2997

  • Dr. Alicia I. Yu
    OIC, Biological Sciences Department
    [email protected]

    2nd Flr. CAH Building
    Centro Escolar University
    9 Mendiola St.,
    San Miguel, Manila
    (+63)2  8735-6861 to 71 loc. 253

  • Dr. Eliza B. Ayo
    Head, Computer Education Department
    [email protected]

    2nd Flr. Information Science Center Building
    Centro Escolar University
    9 Mendiola St.,
    San Miguel, Manila
    (+63)2  8735-6861 to 71 loc. 306

  • Ms. Aleli V. Lozano
    Head, Physical Sciences and Mathematics Department
    [email protected]

    2nd Flr. CAH Building
    Centro Escolar University
    9 Mendiola St.,
    San Miguel, Manila
    (+63)2  8735-6861 to 71 loc. 226

  • Dr. Dorothea C. Dela Cruz
    Head, Psychology Department
    [email protected]

    3rd Flr. Dentistry-Science Building
    Centro Escolar University
    9 Mendiola St.,
    San Miguel, Manila
    (+63)2  8735-6861 to 71 loc. 296

Faculty Profile

Permanent Faculty:


  • Adriano, Joan S.

Master of Science in Biology

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science major in Biology

Centro Escolar University


  • Aguilar, Rhoda C.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

Centro Escolar University


Master of Science in Mathematics Education

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Education major in Mathematics (Magna Cum Laude)

Centro Escolar University


  • Alata, Eden Joy P.

Master of Science in Biology

De La Salle University


Bachelor of Science in Biology (Magna Cum Laude)

University of the East


  • Albelda, Jocelyn C.

Master of Science in Chemistry

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Centro Escolar University


  • Ayo, Eliza B.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

Centro Escolar University


Master of Education major in Administration and Supervision/ Master of Information Technology

The National Teacher's College/ Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Education major in Computer Education

The National Teacher's College


  • Basco,   Maria Hedley A.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

Centro Escolar University


Master of Science in Chemistry

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila


  • Bautista, Remy A.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Mathematics Education

Centro Escolar University


Master of Science in Mathematics Education

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science major in Mathematics

University of the East


  • Bernardo, Erlinda I.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Centro Escolar University


  • Bundalian, Jean Paul G.

Master of Science in Science Education

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Far Eastern University


  • Bustamante, Rosemarievic A.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Business Management

Centro Escolar University


Master of Public Administration

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service

Lyceum of the Philippines


  • Ching, Maricar W.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Biological Sciences

University of Santo Tomas


Master of Science in Biology

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology

Centro Escolar University


  • Co, Welyn R.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

Centro Escolar University


Master of Arts in Teaching

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

University of San Agustin-Iloilo City


  • Cobar, Emely C.

Master of Science in Chemistry

De La Salle University


Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Manuel L. Quezon University


  • Cortez, Crystalynne D.

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

Technological University of the Philippines


Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila


  • Costuna, Edna T.

Master of Arts in Psychology

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science major in Psychology (Cum Laude)

Centro Escolar University


  • Dela Cruz, Dorothea C.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Psychology and Guidance

Centro Escolar University


Master of Arts in Psychology

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila


Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Magna Cum Laude)

De La Salle-Araneta University


  • Duad, Nadine D.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Psychology and Guidance

Centro Escolar University


Master of Arts in Education

Philippine Normal University


Bachelor of Arts major in Sociology

University of the East


  • Dungca, Julieta Z.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Biology

De La Salle University


Master of Science in Biology

De La Salle University


Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology (Magna Cum Laude)

Martinez Memorial Colleges


Esposo, Chona G.

Master of Science in Chemistry

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Far Eastern University


  • Gonzales, Maria Theresa C.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

Centro Escolar University


Master of Arts in Teaching

Centro Escolar University


Doctor of Dental Medicine

Centro Escolar University


  • Jotic, Rommel N.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Educational Management

Centro Escolar University


Master of Arts in Teaching

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Adamson University


  • Lanto, Marilou M.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

Centro Escolar University


Master of Arts in Teaching Biological Sciences

Far Eastern University


Bachelor of Science in Biology

Far Eastern University


  • Lopez, Maria Asuncion A.

Master of Arts in Education major in Administration and Supervision

Meycauayan College


Bachelor of Science in Biology

Pamantasang Normal ng Pilipinas


  • Lozano, Aleli V.

Master of Science in Chemistry

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Centro Escolar University


  • Magnaye, Agnes S.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Science Education

Centro Escolar University


Master of Arts in Education

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

Bachelor of Science in Biology     Adamson University


  • Mamorno, Aida L.

Master of Science in Biology

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology

Centro Escolar University


  • Mijares, Teresita S.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

Centro Escolar University


Master of Science in Mathematics Education

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Adamson University

  • Natino, Czarina Mitz N.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology

Centro Escolar University

  • Obinguar, Sarah-Lou N.

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy

Centro Escolar University


  • Parungao, Renata Raymunda F.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Centro Escolar University


  • Peralta, Raymond L.

Master of Science in Information Technology

Rizal Technological University


Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Cum Laude)

Surigao State College of Technology


  • Perez, Teresa R.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision


Master of Arts in Biology


Bachelor of Science in Biology


  • Ramirez, Eufrecina Jean R.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Science Education

Centro Escolar University


Master of Science in Biology Education

University of Santo Tomas


Bachelor of Science in Biology

Centro Escolar University


  • Rañola, Rey Alfred G.

Master of Science in Chemistry

University of Santo Tomas


Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

University of Santo Tomas


  • Raqueño, Avelina R.

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics Education

Centro Escolar University


Master of Science in Mathematics Education

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Education major in Mathematics (Cum Laude)

Centro Escolar University


  • Reyes, Rachael V.

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Centro Escolar University


  • Romero, Imelda R.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

Centro Escolar University


Master of Arts in Science Education

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Biology

Centro Escolar University


  • Santonia, Josephine F.

Master of Arts in Psychology

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Centro Escolar University


  • Santos, Jennifer L.

Master of Arts in Education major in Mathematics Education/ Master in Information Technology

New Era University/ Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

University of the East


  • Santos, Lordy Angelo C.

Master of Arts in Industrial Psychology

Rizal Technological University


Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Cum Laude)

Dominican College


  • Separo, Perla P.

Master of Science in Chemistry

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Centro Escolar University


  • Solas, Generose B.

Master of Science in Biological Sciences (Cum Laude)

University of Santo Tomas


Bachelor of Science in Biology

Far Eastern University


  • Subida, Marietta D.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

Centro Escolar University


Master of Arts in Psychology

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Centro Escolar University


  • Tayag, Loida C.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

Centro Escolar University


Master of Science in Biology

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/ Bachelor of Arts in Biology

Centro Escolar University


  • Valin, Haidee M.

Master in Management/ Master in Information Technology

Technological University of the Philippines/ Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Mathematics major in Programming

Polythecnic University of the Philippines


  • Viray, Jocelyn R.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Psychology and Guidance

Centro Escolar University


Master of Arts in Behavioral Science

Centro Escolar University


Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Adamson University


  • Virgino, Maria Teresa M.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

Centro Escolar University


Master of Science in Biological Sciences

University of Santo Tomas


Bachelor of Science in Biology

Philippine Normal University


  • Yabut, Erna V.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Mathematics Education (With Highest Academic Distinction)


Master of Science in Mathematics Education (With Highest Academic Distinction)


Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics


  • Yu, Alicia I.

Doctor of Philosophy major in Science Education

Centro Escolar University


Master of Arts in Science Education

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila


Bachelor of Science in Biological Science

University of the East


Probationary Faculty:


  • Dayag, Jarah Victoria R.

Master of Arts major in Clinical Psychology

University of Santo Tomas


Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral Science

University of Santo Tomas

  • Lapasaran, Teodorico B.

Bachelor of Science major in Biology (Magna Cum Laude)

Far Eastern University


  • Salazar-Pascua, Maria Kristina M.

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Centro Escolar University


Fixed-Term Faculty:


  • Brillo, Samuel C.

        Bachelor of Science in Biology

        Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila


  • Cabrera, Ian Kenneth M.

       Bachelor of Science major in Biology 

       University of the East


  • Gomez, Jr., Jake M.

       Bachelor of Science in Botany

       University of Santo Tomas



  • Llovido, Sitty Sarah E.

Master of Science in Chemistry Education

Ateneo de Manila University


Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Chemistry

Philippine Normal University


  • Magbitang, Michael Lino A.

Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology

Centro Escolar University


  • Segovia, Adrian M.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Cum Laude)

Centro Escolar University


  • Toledo, Nhoriel I.

Master of Arts (Mathematics)

University of the Philippines


      Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics, Minor in Physics (CumLaude)

      University of the Philippines


  • Uy, Ivannah Jireh C.

       Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Biological Science (Cum Laude)

       Centro Escolar University


  • Uy, John Jacob R.

       Bachelor of Science in Biology

       Centro Escolar University


Lecturer Faculty:


  • Alvarez, Juan Miguel G

      Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

      University of Sto. Tomas


  • Cortez, Ma. Patricia May D.

       Master of Arts in Education major in Biological Sciences 

       Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila


       Bachelor of Science in Biology

       Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila


  • Cruz, Joel H.

Master of Information Technology

Technological University of the Philippines


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila


  • Cruz, Ruby J.

       Master of Arts in Education major in Mathematics

       Meycauayan College


       Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

       De La Salle Araneta University


  • Ligon, Leo Lino S.

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Pharmacy

University of the Philippines


  • Lopez, Maria Nelia C.

       Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

       Centro Escolar University


       Master of Science in Biology

       Centro Escolar University


       Bachelor of Science in Biology

       Centro Escolar University


  • Los Baños, Zenaida R. 

       Doctor of Philosophy major in Curriculum and Supervision

       Centro Escolar University


       Master of Science in Biology

       Centro Escolar University


       Bachelor of Science in Biology

       Centro Escolar University


  • Mirabueno, Maria Concepcion A.

Master of Engineering major in Computer Engineering

Adamson University


Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Adamson University


  • Noguera, Elisa C.

      Master of Arts in Teaching major in Science

      Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology


      Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology

      Centro Escolar University


  • Pablo, Cherie Mae D.

       Master in Business Administration

       Polytechnic University of the Philippines


       Bachelor of Secondary Education

       Northeastern College


  • Sagun, Maria Lourdes P.

       Bachelor of Secondary Education major in General Science

       Pamantasang Normal ng Pilipinas


  • University of Malaya (KL, Malaysia)
  • Walailak University (Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand)
  • Bangkok Laboratory
  • North Chiang Mai University (Hang Dong, Thailand)
  • Manose Health and Beauty Research Center
  • AWS Academy
  • CISCO Networking Academy
  • Oracle Academy
  • International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
  • Manulife
  • Accenture

Laboratories and Facilities

  • Biological Sciences Laboratories
    The Biological Sciences laboratories which cater laboratory classes for Biological Sciences like Botany, Genetics and Anatomy and Physiology are located on the 2nd floor of Pilar Hidalgo Lim (PHL) and Fernando Salas Hall (FSH) buildings. Microbiology and zoology classes are held on the 4th floor of the Generosa de Leon Science Center (GDLSc) building.  All of the mentioned laboratory rooms are equipped with the required apparatus, equipment, chemicals and supplies needed for instruction purposes.


  • Centennial Research Laboratory
    The Centennial Research Laboratory is found at Concepcion Aguila Hall (CAH) 3rd floor which houses state-of-the-art instruments and equipment like PCR, Fluorescence Photomicroscope,  and DNA Extraction Kits and enough apparatus, chemicals, and supplies both for instruction and research.  The laboratory is under the supervision of the expert - Coordinator for  Research and Facilities as varied laboratory services are rendered such as research critiquing, research protocol improvement, consultation on research interpretation provided with IACUC and IERC approval. and the authorization approval for the use of equipment and apparatus by the outside researchers and the mentioned services above as well. 


  • Computer Laboratory
    These computers have access to the internet and are installed with the latest software which students can use in their researches and to update themselves with the latest trends in information technology.


  • Cosmetic Science Instrumentation Room
    Students are given access to advanced instruments used in cosmetics manufacturing companies as well as the expertise of their professors who are accomplished industry practitioners.


  • Psychology Laboratory
    The Psychology Laboratory provides the venue for the hands-on practice and application of psychological principles for Psychology majors. The laboratory provides flexible space and can be transformed according to the course requirements and the user’s objectives, i.e.., psychological testing, the conduct of experiments, observations, group dynamics exercises, simulation of counselling sessions, demonstrations, mini-seminars, conferences or workshops. A one-way mirror facilitates observation and feedback of learning.

School Scholarships

Special Scholarship for Public School Graduates of Senior High School for the following program:

  • BS Biology
  • BS Cosmetic Science
  • BS Computer Engineering
  • BS Computer Science


  • School of Science and Technology Scholarship
    This scholarship grants a 50% discount on tuition fee for a student who is not a recipient of any other scholarship, provided he/she has a weighted average rating of 1.75 or higher for a minimum of 15 units.

  • CEU Alumni Foundation School of Science and Technology Chapter Scholarship
    This scholarship grants PhP 2,000.00 for a student who is not a recipient of any other scholarship, provided the weighted average rating for a minimum of 15 units is 1.75 and with no failing grades. One scholarship shall be awarded to deserving (6) junior students for each degree course
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